New in Teams: Better Access to Meeting Notes

If you have been following my videos and commentary on the importance of using Microsoft 365 across your organization, you already know I’m a huge proponent of using the tool to the best extent possible. At the end of September, Microsoft announced a desktop update allowing meeting notes to now support up to 100 meeting participants at a time.

This is a step in the right direction for those who wish to collaborate in one-to-many fashion. Rather than posting notes and minutes following a meeting, participants who have access to notes will now continue to have access to meeting notes, even after the meeting ends. From an archive perspective, having all notes in one places pushes the collaborative agenda further, even allowing others to redirect peers back to the notes. Also, for attendees who may join late, and doesn't have access to notes, they can now request access from the notes owner.

These are excellent steps on the collaborative journey as Microsoft continues to open the platform with additional functionality and tools to assist the everyday user.

For more details, see: Take meeting notes in Teams.

Eric Riz